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ISSN 2250-7825

Herbarium CTES


Miryam Carolina Peichoto

IBONE opened a herbarium - a great source of information about plants, so it is not surprising that it has become very popular among casino players. Now the herbarium is open to visitors, so players in best real online pokies australia can visit and learn about the flora of this part of the world. Online casino players say that the herbarium helps to take a break from gambling and gain new strength.

Dr.Orlando F. Popoff
Dr. Roberto Manuel Salas

Associated Specialists:
María Mercedes Arbo (Bignoniaceae, Turneraceae)
Elsa L. Cabral (Rubiaceae)
Lidia I. Ferraro (Lichens)
María Gabriela López (Cyperaceae and Poaceae)
Esteban Meza Torres (Ferns –Lycophytes)
Nicolás Niveiro (Fungi, Agaricales)
Myriam Carolina Peichoto (Poaceae)
Roberto Salas (Gentianales)
María de las Mercedes Sosa (Scrophulariaceae)
Ricardo O. Vanni (Fabaceae)

Collection Manager:
Gelina E. Pieszko

Curatorial Assistant:
Walter Medina

In 1965, IBONE opened a Herbarium, now identified with the acronym CTES. It covers a 434-square-meter surface divided into two stories and collects around 500,000 samples of vascular plants –mounted in numbered poster boards­–, 30,000 samples of lichens and 8,000 of fungi. The material is taxonomically organized into 232 metal herbarium cabinets. In the last 8 years, the average annual increase was of 7,000 samples. It must be noted that IBONE’s Lichen collection is the most important collection of its kind in the country.

Samples are currently undergoing a digitization process that uses Documenta Florae Australis as a tool, a program designed by Instituto Darwinion (IBODA) and maintained in cooperation with IMBIV (Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal – Multdisciplinary Institute of Plant Biology) and IBONE. Digitized samples can be checked at:

The personal collection of engineer Krapovickas, founder of IBONE, was the basis of the herbarium, to which other important collections were later added. Some of those collections belonged to Mr. Augusto Schulz, engineer Romeo Carnevalli, and Dr. Troels Myndel Pedersen. The last collection registers the Inventario Florístico del Parque Nacional Mburucuyá (Floristic Inventory of Mburucuyá National Park), carried out by Dr. Pedersen himself before the land was given to APN (Administración de Parques Nacionales - Administration of National Parks). In addition, the Herbarium holds the voucher samples corresponding to the book Flora del Iberá (2002).

The vascular plant collection is particularly rich in families such as Grasses, Composites, Legumes, Mallows, Rubiaceae, Sapindaceae, Sterculiaceae, and Turneraceae, which are the subject of specialization of many professionals at IBONE. Material corresponding to these families comes from the Herbarium’s own collections and samples gifted to IBONE to be identified.

The collection of Types, preserved separately, stands out: it consists of 1,100 samples. In addition, the general collection includes around 1,200 paratypes. Every sample has been digitized for LAPI (Latin American Plant Initiative) project and can be checked at Moreover, they are available for study at CTES Virtual Herbarium and at the SNDB (Sistema Nacional de Datos Biológicos – National System of Biological Data).

Added to the aforesaid, IBONE loans material to Argentinian and foreign institutions; during the last decade, an average of 900 samples per year was loaned. The Herbarium also keeps an exchange program, thanks to which it owns valuable samples from different parts of the world. For instance, a great number of the Herbarium samples comes from northern Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay, and Brazil. The program started in 1969 with the shipment of duplicates to herbaria in Argentina, Australia, and other American and European countries. Furthermore, re-creating European species often allows for interpreting terminology and concepts stated in classic works, and for identifying weeds and invasive plants.

On March 22, 2013, at an academic ceremony organized by IBONE and Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, CTES Herbarium was named “Dra. Carmen L. Cristóbal,” as a well-earned recognition to its first Curator. Dr. Cristobal, who has already retired from her professional duties, “with endless patience, dedicated hours of her life to the growth of this institution and was able to transmit her passion to her followers,” just as her disciples stated. On the same day, the plaques on both Herbarium Floors were uncovered: “Dr. Augusto G. Schulz (1899-1992)” on the second floor and “Dr. Troels N. Pedersen (1916-2000)” on the third.

Sargento Juan Bautista Cabral 2131
3402BKG Corrientes (Argentina) | Casilla de Correo 209

Linea directa: (+54)-0379-4-426218
Cs Agrarias: (+54)-0379-4-427589/422006 (Int. 148) | |